samantha connors outsiders essay

S.E Hinton wrote the outsiders it took place in a western country, because of how they say things, that and they said they were close into another state Dally said to the cops was Texas and they weren’t in Texas they were in Oklahoma  which is in a western state. Violence is never the answer some people think violence is an answer but you shouldn’t start a fight and then fight them back you should try to talk it out or tell someone but if they still are starting a fight then you fight back but if you talk it out then you’ll be fine and not get into trouble.


At the beginning of the book Ponyboy Johnny and Dally are all at the movies and then Dally starts hitting on this girl Sherrie and she gets mad him and he goes to get drinks comes  back and splashes  the pop on him and he leaves and Johnny and Ponyboy talks to her then they start to leave when her boyfriend comes and was about to get into a fight till she goes with him then latter Ponyboy runs away because Dairy hits Ponyboy for being out late then they go to the park and Ponyboy almost dies because of the socs until Johnny kills him, in


the middle of the story they want to go back but Dally said no then a fire starts and they save some kids and then they have to go to the hospital, because Ponyboy had to go to the hospital and so did Johnny because he was burned and  he broke his back so they had to go to go because of that they told Ponyboy when he woke up and Ponyboy asked about Dally and Johnny


at the ending of the book the socs and the greasers get into a fight and Johnny and Dally die so everybody starts hurting because they died… Johnny died because of the fire he was in he got stuck in smoke trying to help the kids that were in the church the kid’s got out safe but when Johnny got stuck in the smoke this giant wooden beam fell on Johnny’s back and it broke his back and he died because of the wooden beam that hit him and Dally died because he found out that Johnny was dead and he walked by the cops with a gun that didn’t have any bullets and the cops shot him up and that’s how Dally died.

Animal Rights

Every year animals are abandoned they get left behind. No one to take care of them and then the people who find the animal can either keep it or just take it to an animal shelter, the pound or they just plain up and leave it starving, sick hurt. Every 2 years each year more than 200 million are animals reported killed by hunters or people who just hates stray animals. Now over 5 million animals are hurt and every year more than 6,000 animals have been abandoned!

Animal shelters are being filled with animals every few years. People never really know or care about if the animals get hurt when they abandon them or what they go through animals get hurt every day there was a cat with a busted jaw and someone had to call a vet to get her and fix her jaw, and this dog who`s last year thought his dog was too big of a baby so he got someone to cut his tail to the nub. That guy got arrested for animal abuse and that dog got a new family who cared for it and took care of him.

People who hurts animals for the fun of it shouldn’t be allowed to have any animals after they hurt or do worse to the animals. Why do the government let those people get away with hurting poor helpless animals? Because “they can`t do anything about it, all they can do is arrest the person for animal abuse” 3.2 million animals in the pound is adopted from the pound each year. Animals can`t help them self when they are hurt.

I think that we should actually go out find the animals that are hurt and actually do something about the injured animals find the person who is the person who had hurt the animals in the first place and do something about it because those people are just going to keep doing it over and over again. The people who hurts those animals won`t stop until they learn to leave and stop hurting them because people has killed animals and have not gotten in that much trouble.

People keeps ask why people are killing these animals? They don’t get into that much trouble just because it isn’t a really bad crime they may get put in a jail for about a year or 2 max but it is that or they just get away with it because “there not going to do anything because there is something wrong with the kid or they couldn’t have done that because of some excuse” because they didn’t break that much of the law” over 1,000 animals are abused in animals pounds. And then they don’t really get them help they abuse the animals because their apparently “they are dangerous and the one they abused the guy said that the dog was trying to attack him” but that didn’t

This is why people needs to help the animals and not just leave them staying their hurt or worse! Most people don’t care when an animal has been hurt because so many animals gets hurt each year but when you leave that animal there you will feel guilty latter and it will keep messing with your mind until you go back and try helping it some people goes back for them and then it may be too late to help them.

Animals needs people to help take care of and a warm place to live to stay dry from the rain, snow, and any other natural disastrous storm and those animals get hurt, killed, abandoned and then they can’t help protect themselves and all those animals are all alone what would you feel like if you were in their place I don’t think you would feel good so just think about that because animals suffer every minute of every day because of everyone abusing them killing them and a lots more they don’t deserve that they didn’t do anything and people stop killing animals just for some cute outfit animals shouldn’t die or be treated horribly just for something you or someone wants.